What I Did On My First Day of Retirement: MyStory

What I Did On My First Day of Retirement: MyStory

May 21, 2023

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The day after Retirement

I woke up, it was my first day after retirement. I did my daily chores at home. My family was busy with their daily routine. It was 10:00 A.M in the morning. I had a whole day in front of me, nothing planned at all. I have been busy all the past years with my proven official drama. Now, I know that it was over after all. I have worked as a system admin for nearly 30 years at a corporate. I read the newspaper. Accidently, I came across SaiRa jobs.

Way to realize my dream

I read the blog on work after retirement. A new breadth entered my system, It started me thinking about the job that I always wanted to do, during my teenage of being a Content Writer. I used to write for articles the school magazine. I’m a pretty decent orator too. All my reading and writing skills were never used in my official business till now. I felt like a bulb sparkling in my head. Why not spend some years doing the job that I had dreamt of. Immediately, I picked up the phone and rang up to SaiRa.

Assistance from Saira

I spoke to the CRM head. She had the passion to explain how I can apply for the position. I’m thankful to the HR- Head who gave the support and assisted me in the process. I have been chosen by one of the leading corporates to take up the position of Content Writer as an Intern. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to pursue my dreams. I encourage the youngsters to strive to follow their aim in life. I’m eagerly awaiting to join the workforce in the new career journey that SaiRa has begun.

Also read – 10 Tips for an Amazing Life After Retirement

Journey through my dreams

I joined my new work. In the beginning, it was easy. But sooner, it got tougher as there are rubrics to content writing and industry standards. I was wondering where to get help from. To my surprise, Saira assisted me through its upskilling program. Without SaiRa, I would have been a failure.